I wonder at the innumerable "If Only's" that come with life
If only, there was no spatial distance,
we could have been together.
If only, I was given one more chance,
I could have proved myself.
If only, we were sincere enough,
we wouldn't break up.
If only, I had enough friends,
I could have managed the heart break.
If only, working overnight could help,
I would have excelled in my work.
If only, death was predictable,
I would have loved my parents more.
If only, I had enough confidence,
I would have staged my best performance.
If only, we had faith in God,
we wouldn't suffer the loss.
If only, I knew the value of expressions,
I would have expressed my love.
If only, I could turn back time,
I would relive every moment without the "If Only".